The After Race High

It’s been more than 24 hours since my first ever 5K race completed. I still feel amazing, like I can take on anything. I have a new sense of self-confidence I have not experienced in a long time. Finally, I’ve stuck to a new years resolution and worked out at the gym five months, and COMPLETED a 5K! I could barely run a mile without stopping two months ago, and here we are.

I’ve decided to take it fairly easy today, with a quick 1 mile jaunt with my pup, Jordan.Image









He’s not one for keeping my pace, though. We ran about half a mile before he started tugging at his leash and biting it, and I gave up on the concept. Honestly, you’d think think he’d love this. Oh well.

I don’t feel nearly as sore as I had imagined I’d be. After the race I carbo-loaded like a mad women. I killed about a box and a half of rigatoni and there are no fruits or veggies to be seen in our fridge. My upper back does seem to bother me just a bit, but I blame that on the race being my first outside run.

I know, crazy right? I will admit I am mainly a treadmill runner. I’m not sure why I enjoy it more, but I think it’s mainly to do with the fact I can craft much better images in my head while running on one, because I don’t need to worry about running straight into a car. I did enjoy the outside run, however, and plan to do more. Maybe even become a morning runner? eh ….I’ll get back to you on that one.

I hope you all enjoy this blog. I’m sure it will be more exciting once I get back into running after recovering from my first real race. I already have another race in my sights; The Mutt Strut 5K on June 3rd. 🙂

Last, I did want to share an interesting musical find. If you don’t know already, I run with music. I found this video on YouTube a few weeks ago and the music just drew me in so much.

It’s called Words for Arabella by Maybeshewill. I absolutely love this for my mid-5K runs (about 1.5 miles, when I start to get bored as of yet). I’m not sure if it is because I associate the music with the video (which is awesome, hell yes I love hockey!) or if it’s just a truly amazing piece of music. Let’s just go with both for now.

Until next run!

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